About this blog

The main entry point for all my blogs is at www.OnTheRoad.camp. (For the time being, another main entry point is www.OpenRoad.camp.) These sites will automatically direct you to the this blog,  www.OnTheRoadCamp.blogspot.com.

This blog contains the main menu to all of my road trip blogs. Over time, I may add some additional postings which apply to all my blogs or summaries of the various individual road trips.

The menu on this blog directs you to the following blogs:

          www.OTR7.blogspot.com = Blog for 2014 road trip (OTR7)
          www.OTR7log.blogspot.com = Log book for 2014 road trip

          www.OnTheRoad6.blogspot.com = Blog for 2013 road trip (OTR6)
               (Note: www.OTR6.com is no longer active)

          www.OnTheRoad-2012.blogspot.com = Blog for 2012 road trip (OTR5)

          www.NortheastToAlaska.BlogSpot.com = Blog for 2011 road trip (OTR4)

          www.OnTheRoad-2002.blogspot.com = Blog for 2002 road trip (OTR3) (in development)

          www.OnTheRoad-2001.blogspot.com = Blog for 2001 road trip (OTR2) (in development)

          www.OnTheRoad-2000.blogspot.com = Blog for 2000 road trip (OTR1) (in development)

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