Today's Welcome

Today's Welcome goes out to....

August 27, 2017...PM...Today's welcome also goes out to Sudo, a sweet 2-year old miniature Huskie Donner met on the Waterfront tonight.  Sudo's guardians let Donner come almost nose to nose with Sudo for at least five minutes while she barked away at him, and Donner did nothing but stare back at her, probably  wondering what all the noise was about. That was a record for Donner.  He is improving every day.  I was so proud of him.


August 27, 2017...Today's welcome goes out to the five lovely girls visiting from Japan we met at  Starbucks this morning who could not resist saying hello to Donner. The girl on the right was awarded a coveted patch for their display of joy at meeting Donner. Again, everyone wanst to meet Donner, but no one wants to meet me. :(

July 14, 2017....Today's welcome goes out to...Erica, a polite young lady whose beautiful eyes immediately gave away her delight in seeing Donner when she ran into us nearby at our outside summer morning office at Starbuck's on the Waterfront. After asking for and obtaining permission to pet Donner, she happily took her place besides Donner, took over his leash, and posed for a photo.  For her politeness, and consummate affection for animals, Erica was awarded a coveted patch.


July 10, 2017....Today's welcome goes out to Shane, a young woman who just moved into my building and feel in love with Donner the instant she got on the elevator with us.  (Once
again, everyone falls in love with Donner when they meeting him, but no one with sad.)  I have to give Shane credit. Of all the people who have been smitten with that wonderful creature, she expressed her love in less than 5 seconds. For that, she was awarded a coveted patch.


Marianne, of Chelsea, Manhattan, down to DC for a meeting, who listened attentively to Donner's story and was rewarded with a coveted OnTheRoad patch for doing so.  She is the proud guardian of two rescued cats, made possible by her guilt at only taking one from the shelter, the same guilt I know well.

Ed, July 6, 2017, Dean & Deluca 

July 6, 2017,

Anna, who stopped by our "office" outside of Starbuck's on the waterfront today after a week of passing us by as she built up the confidence to ask if she could say hello to Donner, missing her own German shepherd in Florida. Very sad, though, that everyone always stops by to say hello to Donner, but no one to me. :(

Anna was awarded with a coveted OTR patch for her attentively listening to Donner's story.

ED 6/28/17

The two wonderful little girls, Evie and Carynn (did I spell your names correctly?) and their interesting mother, Allison, whom I met walking by the C&O Canal this morning.  Although I was anxious to get home after my four-hour outing with Donner, as I passed the three of them, Evie stopped and gave me this painful, longing, pleading look of "Can I please pet your dog?" an expression I cannot ignore.  For attentively listening to my stories about Donner, our trip, and mathematics, Evie and Carynn were each awarded a coveted On The Road patch.

ED 6/27/17

1 comment:

Land said...

Thank you, Ed! I really enjoyed hearing your adventurous stories and learning about your sweet dogs. It was a pleasure meeting you
